The alley where Georgann Hawkins was abducted
Crime Scene Location in Seattle, Washington
This is the alley where Ted Bundy abducted Georgann Hawkins.
It is situated in an area called Greek Row in the University District of Seattle.
In the early hours of June 11th, 1974, Hawkins left the Beta Theta Pi House after visiting her boyfriend. She then proceeded to walk back to her sorority house at Kappa Alpha Theta, which was only 350 feet away.
Despite the short journey, the 18-year-old never returned.

Bundy used fake crutches to abduct Georgann Hawkins
As Hawkins was walking through the alley, Bundy hobbled towards her on crutches and pretended to struggle with a briefcase that he was carrying.
This was a common tactic that he used to garner sympathy from his victims and lure them away to a more secluded spot. The crutches also made him appear vulnerable and less dangerous.

Once he was close enough, he dropped his briefcase and asked his target if she could help him carry it to his car.
Believing that the "injured" young man in front of her was in need of assistance, she obliged.
At that point, the pair turned around and walked to a dark parking lot that was roughly 500 feet north of the alley.

Once they reached Bundy's Volkswagen Bug, Hawkins bent over to place his briefcase on one of the seats. However, while she was doing so, he quickly struck her over the head with a tire iron and knocked her unconscious.
After bundling her into his car, he drove to a secluded area near Lake Sammamish, where he undressed her, raped her, and then strangled her to death using a piece of rope.

He returned to the body
The next day, he returned to see if her body was still there and noticed that one of her shoes was missing. Immediately, he began to worry that it had fallen off in the parking lot and that someone might remember seeing his Volkswagen in the area.
He was also anxious because he had recently pulled the same ruse on someone else. Two weeks prior, he had drunkenly approached a girl in the alley behind Beta Theta Pi and lured her to the exact same parking lot where he abducted Hawkins. However, on that occasion, his target reportedly grew weary of him and decided to leave.
This filled him with paranoia, as he knew that the girl in question might come forward and mention the strange encounter if Hawkins' belongings were discovered in the exact same area.
The morning after the teenager's disappearance, police cordoned off Greek Row and searched it for clues. However, they did not inspect the parking lot on 17th Avenue. Consequently, Bundy was able to return the next evening at 5 p.m. and retrieve her shoe and both of her earrings.

Bundy said that he returned to her body again on June 14th, 1974, and severed her head with a hacksaw. He explained that he did this to hinder her identification:
"It was sort of a crude attempt to disguise the identity or avoid, I mean, the identification of the remains as such."
His third and final visit occurred about a week or two later, when he returned to the site to "see what was going on." During his confession, he alluded to things such as necrophilia, the "possession" of victims, and his fascination with death. However, he did not go into any further detail.
Hawkins' remains have never been found
Bundy claimed that he left Hawkins' remains in a wooded area near Issaquah, in the exact same place where he dumped the bodies of Janice Ott and Denise Naslund.
The police discovered five femur (thigh) bones at the Issaquah site, which suggests that they did find the skeletal remains of a third victim. Unfortunately, the medical examiner's office lost these bones before DNA testing became a thing.
Although Bundy told investigators that he buried Hawkins' skull beside a nearby "rocky hillside," a dig at the suspected site failed to find any trace of it.
To this day, she remains listed as a missing person.
Georgann Hawkins abduction location
The address and the GPS coordinates for this location are as follows:
4549 17th Ave NE, Seattle, Washington, WA 98105, USA
GPS coordinates
The latitude and longitude coordinates for the alley are:
47.662339, -122.310285
The alley is in an area known as "Greek Row" in the University District of Seattle. It is 110 yards (100 meters) northwest of the intersection between NE 45th Street and 17th Avenue NE.
Photos of the alley and other related images.
The parking lot where Bundy abducted Hawkins

Ted Bundy lured Georgann Hawkins to this parking lot and then struck her over the head with a tire iron that he had strategically placed behind his Volkswagen Bug.
After lifting her unconscious body into the vehicle, he handcuffed her and placed her in the passenger-side footwell.
During the abduction, Hawkins' shoe and both of her hoop earrings fell off. However, Bundy was able to retrieve these items the following evening while the police were busy investigating Greek Row and searching local parks.
In 1989, he told King County detective Robert Keppel that he had observed the police from afar and watched as they cordoned off the area.
The following quote from Bundy's confession confirms the location of this lot:
"About halfway down the block, I encountered her [Hawkins] and asked her to help me carry the briefcase, which she did. We walked back up the alley, across the street, turned right on the sidewalk in front of the fraternity house on the corner, rounded the corner to the left, going north on 47th.
Well, midway down the block, there used to be a—you know—one of those parking lots they used to make out of burned-down houses in that area. The university would turn them into parking lots—instant parking lots. There was a parking lot there—[it had a] dirt surface, no lights, and my car was parked there."
In 1974, the main entrance to this lot was on the eastern side.
Coordinates: 47.664286, -122.310237
Bundy approached her while she was walking down this alley

1. Hawkins leaves the Beta Theta Pi House after talking to her boyfriend and her boyfriend's friend.
2. As she is walking back to her sorority house, Bundy approaches her on crutches and pretends to struggle with his briefcase.
3. After luring her to the secluded parking lot, he strikes her over the head with a crowbar.
The alley behind the sorority houses was pretty busy

This Google Street View image of the alley was taken in June 2019, exactly 45 years after the abduction took place.
When Bundy approached Hawkins, she was walking southbound (red arrow).
While she was leaving the Beta Theta Pi House, she stopped for a minute or two to speak to one of her boyfriend's friends.
Bundy said that he noticed her on the northern side of the alley and started hobbling in her direction.
On the night in question, this alley was pretty busy. It was not a dark and scary place. This was a popular route that many students took to travel between the various sorority houses. At the time, it was finals week. Some students were busy studying for their final exams, while others were celebrating the end of theirs by throwing parties. Consequently, there were a lot of people coming and going.
Hawkins' roommate raised the alarm when she failed to return Kappa Alpha Theta by 3 a.m.
Although Ted Bundy was an unknown name at this time, many people were aware that girls were mysteriously disappearing in the Washington State area.
A college student named Lynda Ann Healy had recently gone missing from her house in the University District. Donna Manson and Susan Rancourt had also vanished from their respective college campuses.
Furthermore, Hawkins fit the victim profile, and there was no evidence to suggest that she had left of her own accord.
As a result, the authorities took her disappearance very seriously.
When the police cordoned off the alley and members of the local news media arrived at the scene, it immediately became clear to her friends and fellow students that something terrible had happened.
Georgann Hawkins

At the time of her murder, Georgann Hawkins was an 18-year-old college student who was thinking about becoming a journalist. She was just one Spanish exam away from finishing up for the summer break.
That night, when she met her boyfriend, he offered to walk her back to her sorority house. However, she declined, as it was just a short distance away.
During his confession, Bundy stated that Hawkins regained consciousness while they were en route to the site at Issaquah. Dazed and confused, she started rambling about her Spanish exam.
Notably, he laughed and stated:
"It's funny... it's not funny, but it's odd the kinds of things that people will say and under those circumstances."
He then recalled how she thought that he was her Spanish tutor.
Shortly afterwards, he knocked her unconscious again and continued driving to the site at Issaquah, where he eventually strangled her to death with a piece of rope.
Following the murder, he broke out of his "fever" and started to feel panicked. At that point, he drove southward, past his site at Taylor Mountain, and started tossing pieces of evidence down the embankments at the side of the intersection.
These included the briefcase and crutches that he used during the abduction, as well as his victim's clothes and the rope that he had used to strangle her.
Crowds begin to gather

The following morning, TV reporters and crowds of students started to gather at Greek Row. Meanwhile, the police cordoned off the scene and carried out a search.
Aerial photograph from 1977

This aerial photograph is from 1977. The blue line highlights the route that Bundy and Hawkins took that night.
Back then, the entrance was on the eastern side of the lot. As a result, they would have had to turn right and then walk up 17th Avenue NE.
Although the police cordoned off the alley and searched the parking lots on the western side of Greek Row, they did not inspect the lot to the north.
Had they done so, they would have found the 18-year-old's shoe and earrings.
17th Avenue NE

The pair walked north along 17th Avenue NE before turning left into the parking lot.
Interstate 18

If Bundy was telling the truth, then it means that he drove south on Interstate 18 and then pulled over to toss all of the evidence down an embankment.
In this case, the evidence included Hawkins' clothes, a rope, handcuffs, crutches, and a briefcase.
Bundy explained that he often did this after killing someone because he didn't want to bring the items back to his apartment. However, he'd soon get "mad" at himself because he'd have to buy most of them again.
"I threw away the briefcase, the crutches, and all that stuff. And the crowbar—everything. The handcuffs. I'd get mad at myself a few weeks later because I'd have to go out and buy another pair. I mean, it's not comical, but that is what would happen."

This aerial map shows the Issaquah and Taylor Mountain dump sites.
Bundy said that he left Issaquah after murdering Hawkins and drove south on Interstate 18.
He then dumped the evidence at a location that was south of Taylor Mountain.
In the aerial image above, we've highlighted a stretch of the interstate where he may have stopped.
This location belongs to the following categories:
Crime ScenesSerial KillersMissing PeopleTed Bundy Seattle LocationsUnsolved CasesTed Bundy LocationsClosest Locations
Other locations that are relatively close to this address:
Ted Bundy's rooming house in the University District of Seattle
Less than a mile away.
Serial Killer House in Seattle, Washington
The bar where Ted Bundy met Elizabeth Kloepfer
Less than a mile away.
Place of Interest in Seattle, Washington