Map: The alley where Georgann Hawkins was abducted
4549 17th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98105
The map below shows the alley (black marker) and its related locations.
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Main Article
The map above belongs to the following article:
The alley where Ted Bundy abducted Georgann Hawkins
Crime Location in Seattle, Washington
On June 11th, 1974, serial killer Ted Bundy abducted 18-year-old college student Georgann Hawkins from this alleyway in Seattle. Her body has never been found.
Related Locations
The following locations are related to the alley. Please note that the descriptions for these images may lack context if you have not read the main article.
The parking lot where Bundy abducted Hawkins
Ted Bundy lured Georgann Hawkins to this parking lot and then struck her over the head with a tire iron that he had strategically placed behind his Volkswagen Bug.
After lifting her unconscious body into the vehicle, he handcuffed her and placed her in the passenger-side footwell.
During the abduction, Hawkins' shoe and both of her hoop earrings fell off. However, Bundy was able to retrieve these items the following evening while the police were busy investigating Greek Row and searching local parks.
In 1989, he told King County detective Robert Keppel that he had observed the police from afar and watched as they cordoned off the area.
The following quote from Bundy's confession confirms the location of this lot:
"About halfway down the block, I encountered her [Hawkins] and asked her to help me carry the briefcase, which she did. We walked back up the alley, across the street, turned right on the sidewalk in front of the fraternity house on the corner, rounded the corner to the left, going north on 47th.
Well, midway down the block, there used to be a—you know—one of those parking lots they used to make out of burned-down houses in that area. The university would turn them into parking lots—instant parking lots. There was a parking lot there—[it had a] dirt surface, no lights, and my car was parked there."
In 1974, the main entrance to this lot was on the eastern side.