The house from Married With Children

Filming Location in Deerfield, Illinois

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The house from Married With Children

This is the house from the sitcom "Married... with Children".

It is located at 641 Castlewood Lane in Deerfield, Illinois.

The show, which ran between April 1987 and June 1997, follows the lives of Al Bundy, his wife, Peggy, and their two children, Kelly and Bud.

Married With Children house
The house appears in the intro.

Although the series was set in Chicago, most of the filming actually took place in Hollywood and Culver City in California.

The producers only used this property for exterior establishing shots. Therefore, the interior will look nothing like the inside of the Bundy family's home.

Living room
The living room was created at a filming set.

Records show that the house was built in 1970. It has four bedrooms and is 2,189 sqft in size. It last sold for $320,000 in August 1998.

Sep 2018
The property in September 2018. Credit: Google Maps.


The address and the GPS coordinates for this location are as follows:


641 Castlewood Ln, Deerfield, Illinois, IL 60015, USA


To view directions on how to get there, you can use the Google Maps shortcut below:

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GPS coordinates

The latitude and longitude coordinates for the house are:

42.164426, -87.870212

Details about the general area

Deerfield is a suburb in the north of Chicago.

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