Nearby Places
Other places that are relatively close to the following location:
Ed Gein's house
Serial Killer House in Plainfield, Wisconsin
Scroll down to see a list of places that are close to this location.
Bernice Worden's hardware store
Roughly 6 miles away.
Crime Location in Plainfield, Wisconsin
In November 1957, Ed Gein shot and killed a 58-year-old widow named Bernice Worden at this hardware store in Plainfield, Wisconsin.
Afterwards, he brought her body back to his farmhouse.
Jeffrey Dahmer's apartment
Roughly 142 miles away.
Serial Killer House in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Between May 1990 and July 1991, serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer murdered twelve men at this location in the Avenues West neighborhood of Milwaukee.
Jeffrey Dahmer's North 24th Street apartment
Roughly 142 miles away.
Serial Killer House in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer lived at this apartment building on North 24th Street for a short period of time in 1988.
The hotel where Jeffrey Dahmer murdered Steven Tuomi
Roughly 142 miles away.
Crime Location in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
In September 1987, serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer murdered 24-year-old Steven Tuomi at the Ambassador Hotel in Milwaukee.
Afterwards, he put Tuomi's body into a suitcase and brought it back to his grandmother's house.
Jeffrey Dahmer's grandmother's house
Roughly 143 miles away.
Serial Killer House in West Allis, Wisconsin
Between 1981 and 1990, serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer lived with his grandmother at this house in the West Allis suburb of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Three of his victims were murdered at this location.
The factory where Jeffrey Dahmer worked
Roughly 143 miles away.
Place of Interest in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Between 1985 and 1991, serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer worked as a mixer at the Milwaukee Ambrosia Chocolate Factory on North 5th Street.
The factory was closed in 1992. These days, all that remains is an empty lot.
The bar where Jeffrey Dahmer picked up several victims
Roughly 144 miles away.
Place of Interest in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
This is the former location of the 219 Club.
During the 1990s, the gay bar gained notoriety after it was revealed that Jeffrey Dahmer had picked up victims at the establishment.
The bar where Jeffrey Dahmer picked up Richard Guerrero and Edward Smith
Roughly 144 miles away.
Crime Location in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
This is the bar where serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer picked up 21-year-old Richard Guerrero and 28-year-old Edward Smith.
The bar where Jeffrey Dahmer picked up Anthony Sears
Roughly 145 miles away.
Crime Location in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
In March 1989, serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer picked up 24-year-old Anthony Sears outside of this bar in Milwaukee.
Later that night, he murdered Sears at his grandmother's house in West Allis.
Newest Locations
The location where Janecia Peters was found
Crime Location
Los Angeles, California, USA
The bar where Carla Vicentini went missing
Missing Person
Newark, New Jersey, USA
The Villisca Axe Murder House
Crime Location
Villisca, Iowa, USA
The location where Brian Thompson was murdered
Crime Location
Manhattan, New York, USA