Nearby Places

Other places that are relatively close to the following location:

The property where Todd Kohlhepp murdered three of his victims

Crime Location in Woodruff, South Carolina

Scroll down to see a list of places that are close to this location.

The house where serial killer Todd Kohlhepp lived

Roughly 9 miles away.

Serial Killer House in Moore, South Carolina

Serial killer Todd Kohlhepp lived at this house on Windsong Way in Moore, South Carolina, until his arrest in November 2016.

In May 2017, he was sentenced to life in prison for seven murders.

The motorcycle shop where Todd Kohlhepp shot four people

Roughly 32 miles away.

Murder Location in Chesnee, South Carolina

In November 2003, Todd Kohlhepp murdered four people at the Superbike Motorsports store in Chesnee, South Carolina.

The case remained unsolved until he was arrested for kidnapping thirteen years later.

The location where Asha Degree went missing

Roughly 64 miles away.

Missing Person in Shelby, North Carolina

In February 2000, nine-year-old Asha Degree disappeared after she left her home in the early hours of the morning.

The authorities believe that she fell victim to foul play.

Cristie Schoen's house

Roughly 85 miles away.

Crime Location in Leicester, North Carolina

On March 12th, 2015, Food Network chef Cristie Schoen and her husband, T.J. Codd, were murdered at this rural property in Leicester, North Carolina.

Two years later, a local contractor named Robert Jason Owens pleaded guilty to the crime.

The location where Dannette and Jeannette Millbrook were last seen

Roughly 114 miles away.

Last Seen Location in Augusta, Georgia

On March 18th, 1990, two fraternal twins called Dannette and Jeannette Millbrook disappeared after visiting this gas station in Augusta, Georgia.

They remain missing to this day.


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