The apartment from Ghostbusters (1984)

Filming Location in Manhattan, New York

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The apartment building from Ghostbusters (1984)

This is the apartment building from the supernatural comedy film Ghostbusters (1984).

It is located at 55 Central Park West in Manhattan, New York.

In the movie, it is called the Shandor Building, and it is the home of the Ghosbusters' first client, Dana Barrett (Sigourney Weaver).

It was named after its architect, Ivo Shandor, an insane former surgeon and cult leader who believed that society was "sick" and needed to be destroyed.

Shandor specifically designed his building to function as an inter-dimensional portal for an evil entity named Gozer the Gozerian. He also built a temple for Gozer at the top.

Notably, "The Shandor" seems much taller in the film, as the production team used various painting techniques to add extra floors.

Ghostbusters (1984) apartment address

The address and the GPS coordinates for this location are as follows:


55 Central Park West, Manhattan, New York, NY 10023, USA


To view directions on how to get there, you can use the Google Maps shortcut below:

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GPS coordinates

The latitude and longitude coordinates for the building are:

40.772273, -73.979106


It sits on the corner of Central Park West and West 66th Street.

Details about the general area

It is situated in the Upper West Side neighborhood of Manhattan.

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