Fiona Sinnott's house
Missing Person House in Broadway, Wexford, Ireland
This is Fiona Sinnott's former house.
It is situated in Ballycushlane, County Wexford, Ireland.
The missing 19-year-old lived in this rented cottage with her infant daughter, Emma, in the months leading up to her disappearance.
This is the last place where someone claimed to have seen her alive.
On February 8th, 1998, Sinnott spent the evening with her friends at a nearby pub called Butler's. Meanwhile, her ex-boyfriend and the father of her infant child, Sean Carroll, sat at the bar by himself.

At around 12.10 a.m., Sinnott decided to call it a night and walk back to her house on Ballycushlane. As she was leaving the pub, her ex-boyfriend followed her outside.
This was the last time she was seen in public.

Carroll said that he walked her home, slept on the couch for the night, and then left the following morning.

He told the police that Sinnott had been experiencing pain in her arms and upper body and that she was planning on hitching a ride to a local doctor's office.
However, investigators found no evidence that she had been hitchhiking or that she went anywhere that day. Furthermore, when they inspected the cottage, they discovered that it was "unusually clean".

When the authorities appealed for information on her whereabouts, they received a number of tips from the public.
One person said that they heard a woman screaming in the area on the night in question, while another motorist claimed that they saw a couple arguing.
At one point, neighbors noticed dozens of black refuse bags lined up outside the house.

A local farmer also came forward and said that he found Sinnott's name and belongings in a black refuse bag in his field. However, at the time, he presumed that it was just another case of someone illegally dumping waste on his land. Consequently, he promptly burned the items.
In 2005, seven years after Sinnott went missing, the authorities officially announced that they were treating her case as a murder investigation.
Both the police and her family believe that she was killed by someone that she knew very well.
On the 25th anniversary of her disappearance, Sinnott's family members publicly expressed their doubts about her ex-boyfriend's claim that he had been invited back to the cottage.
Carroll said that he slept on a couch in the living room. However, according to Sinnott's family, the couch in question was only three feet long. Furthermore, there was a spare bed available in the house.
Fiona Sinnott's house address
The address and the GPS coordinates for this location are as follows:
Ballycushlane, Broadway, Wexford, Y35 CH70, Ireland
The Eircode is Y35 CH70
GPS coordinates
The latitude and longitude coordinates for the house are:
52.217584, -6.368784
The easiest way to get there is to drive to Broadway in Lady's Island and then follow the coordinates above.
Details about the general area
The cottage is situated on a quiet rural road that is close to the village of Broadway in County Wexford. Broadway sits beside a picturesque lake in Lady's Island.
Private Property Warning
This is a private property. It is not a public place. Therefore, you should be respectful and not step foot on the property without permission.
This is a private home. Please do not touch the property or make your presence felt.
Photos of the house and other related images.

This Google Street View image of the house was taken in September 2019.
Before renting this cottage in Ballycushlane, Sinnott lived in an apartment on George's Street in Wexford Town.
The Gardai have inspected this house on a number of occasions. In 2017, they conducted a fresh forensic examination of the property using newer DNA technology. However, it remains unclear whether they found anything of note.
Sinnott was an independent young woman who wanted to make her own way in life. Following her breakup with Carroll, she opted to live here by herself instead of moving back into her family home.
Although she remained in contact with her relatives, mobile phones were uncommon and social media didn't exist at the time. Furthermore, she did not own a car. This meant that days would often pass before she called, visited, or met up with them for lunch.
During this period, the house was seemingly cleaned out.
Butler's in Broadway

Sinnott was last seen in public at Butler's in Broadway on February 8th, 1998. That Sunday night, she was having drinks with three of her female friends.
When her ex-boyfriend, Sean Carroll, entered the pub, she seemed somewhat surprised by his arrival and did not greet him. As a result, he spent most of the evening sitting at the bar by himself.
After Sinnott said goodbye to her friends and left, Carroll decided to follow her out the door.
This was the last public sighting of her.
Butler's closed its doors in April 2019.
Coordinates: 52.217394, -6.382393
Millpond Cross

One person claimed that they heard a woman screaming near Millpond Cross.
This junction is just 500 meters north of Sinnott's house.
Coordinates: 52.221823, -6.370138
Fiona's daughter

This photograph shows Sinnott holding her infant daughter, Emma.
On the night of her disappearance, Emma was staying with Carroll's parents.
In the ten days that followed, the Carroll family did not contact anyone to report that Sinnott had failed to show up to collect her daughter.
Following her mother's disappearance, Emma was raised by Carroll's family.
Fiona's father

Sinnott's father, Pat Sinnott, passed away in 2004 without ever finding out what happened to his daughter.
Relatives have recalled how he used to wait by the gate of his house in the hope that she would return home.
On his deathbed, he implored his sons to find their sister.
Fiona Sinnott

Sinnott when she was a child.
Closest Locations
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