The house from Edward Scissorhands (1990)

Filming Location in Lutz, Florida

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Edward Scissorhands house

This is the Boggs family house from the fantasy gothic film Edward Scissorhands (1990).

It is located at 1774 Tinsmith Circle in Lutz, Florida.

1774 Tinsmith Circle
The Google Street View image above was taken in July 2019.

In the movie, the Boggs family lives in a tacky, pastel-colored suburban neighborhood with manicured green lawns and small-minded neighbors who have a very low tolerance for individuality.

These days, the garish colors of Tinsmith Circle are long gone, and the streets are now lined with trees.

Fortunately, it is no longer the soulless landscape that we saw in the film.

Edward Scissorhands house
This is a "then and now" image of the "Edward Scissorhands house". The Google Street View image at the bottom was captured in December 2018. 1774 Tinsmith Circle was built in 1989, which was one year before the movie was released. Filming took place between March 26th and July 19th, 1990. The corner lot house has three bedrooms and is roughly 1,430 square feet in size. It was last sold for $230,000 in November 2020. In 2022, it was listed for sale at $699,900 (a whopping 200%+ price increase). However, the price eventually fell to $449,000 before the listing was removed. Realtor photographs from 2022 show that the interior is filled with Edward Scissorhands memorabilia. The new owners have also painted the outside a light shade of blue.

The production team had initially visited a series of small towns in Texas while scouting for locations.

However, the director, Tim Burton, felt that Florida would be the perfect backdrop for his suburban hell. Art director Tom Duffield remarked that Burton also "liked the clouds."

Suburban hell
To create a suburban hell, the production team painted the exterior of the houses with faded pastel colors. Only four separate colors were used in the process, as this gave the neighborhood a sense of conformity. They also reduced the size of some of the windows.

The story revolves around an immortal humanoid creature called Edward (Johnny Depp), who lives with his inventor in an old gothic mansion. Edward is left with scissor blades for hands after his inventor dies from a heart attack before he can fit him with a human-like pair.

A well-meaning door-to-door saleswoman named Peg Boggs eventually adopts him after she finds him hiding out alone in the attic of the mansion. From that point on, he lives with the Boggs family in their suburban neighborhood.

Peg Boggs
Peg Boggs is a door-to-door Avon saleswoman who takes pity on Edward Scissorhands after she finds him hiding in the old mansion. After determining that he's harmless and all alone, she decides that the best course of action is to take him back to her family home.

Although their nosy neighbors initially accept him due to his hedge-sculpting and hair-cutting skills, things take a turn for the worse when they begin to fear what makes him different.

Edward Scissorhands house address

The address and the GPS coordinates for this location are as follows:


1774 Tinsmith Circle, Lutz, Florida, FL 33559, USA


To view directions on how to get there, you can use the Google Maps shortcut below:

Google Maps

GPS coordinates

The latitude and longitude coordinates for the house are:

28.183927, -82.406048


The house is situated in the Carpenters Run neighborhood of Lutz. It is close to the intersection between Florida State Road 54 and Carpenters Run Boulevard.

Details about the general area

Lutz is a community that lies about 15 miles north of Tampa.


Photos of the house and other related images.

Nosy neighbors

nosy neighbors

Nosey neighbors gather outside the Boggs household and gossip about the strange new arrival.



The neighbors are so keen to meet the new guest that they coax Peg Boggs into holding a barbecue.

By that stage, Edward had already sculpted one of the hedges in the backyard into a dinosaur.

The realtor photograph at the bottom was taken when the property was listed for sale in 2020.


Edward Scissorhands mansion

The facade of the inventor's mansion was situated at the end of this turning circle, which is just 200 feet east of the house.

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