The house where Cassie Jo Stoddart was murdered

Crime Scene Location in Pocatello, Idaho

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Cassie Jo Stoddart: Murder House

This is the house where Cassie Jo Stoddart was murdered.

It is located at 11372 W Whispering Cliffs Drive in Pocatello, Idaho.

At the time of the murder, it was owned by Stoddart's aunt and uncle, Allison and Frank Contreras. However, they sold the property in 2015.

11372 W Whispering Cliffs Drive
This Google Street View image of 11372 W Whispering Cliffs Drive was taken in August 2012, nearly six years after Stoddart's murder. The property website Zillow says that it was built in 1979 and has four bedrooms. Property records show the Contreras family sold the house in June 2015. It was then sold again in 2020.

Brian Draper and Torey Adamcik

At some point in 2006, two teenage boys named Brian Draper and Torey Adamcik started plotting the murder of one of their classmates from Pocatello High School.

In the lead-up to the crime, they purchased masks, gloves, dark clothes, and knives. They also recorded home video footage of themselves talking about their plans.

Torey Adamcik and Brian Draper
Torey Adamcik and Brian Draper were both sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. Although the two men have made a number of appeals, their sentences have been upheld.

The pair were partially inspired by the slasher film series Scream. In one of their video tapes, they stated that they wanted to "make history."

On the evening of September 22nd, 2006, Draper and Adamcik snooped around their target's house "a couple of times." However, they soon realized that she wasn't home.

They decide to target Cassie Jo Stoddart and her boyfriend

In September 2006, Cassie Jo Stoddart's aunt and uncle asked her to stay over at their place while they were away.

11372 W Whispering Cliffs Dr
Draper and Adamcik entered Stobbart's aunt's house via an unlocked basement door.

The Contreras family had two dogs and three cats, which needed to be looked after and fed while they were out of town.

Draper and Adamcik were friends with Stoddart and her boyfriend, Matt Beckham. Consequently, they knew that the couple had plans to hang out at the Contreras residence by themselves.

When the pair realized that their initial target wasn't home, they callously decided to target Stoddart and Beckham instead.

In one of the video tapes, Draper stated the following:

"She's not at home, so we're going to go to that church over there and call a girl and a guy named Cassie and Matt. They're our friends, but we have to make sacrifices."

Video tapes
The pair recorded video tapes of themselves talking about their plans. They also recorded footage of Stobbart opening her school locker on the morning of the murder.

Whispering Cliffs

When Draper and Adamcik arrived at this property on Whispering Cliffs, the four teenagers hung out together and watched a movie. Stoddart also gave them a tour of the house.

An hour or two later, Draper and Adamcik claimed that they needed to leave because they had tickets to see a film at a local movie theater.

However, this was a lie.

Unbeknownst to Stoddart and Beckham, one of the boys had secretly unlocked an exterior door that provided access to the basement.

The boys return to the house

Not long after leaving, Draper and Adamcik returned to the neighborhood and parked within walking distance of the house. They then crept into the basement via the door that they had left unlocked.

Once they were inside, they turned off the circuit breaker, hoping that the power outage would lure Stoddart and Beckham down into the basement.

However, this plan failed, as the couple remained upstairs.

When the boys realized that their friends weren't taking the bait, they decided to switch the breaker back on again.

Although the power returned, Stoddart remained spooked. Her boyfriend also noticed that one of the Contreras' dogs seemed to be growling at the basement door.

As a result, he asked his mother if he could stay the night with her.

Although Beckham's mother said no, she did tell him that Stoddart could stay over at their house if she wanted to. Unfortunately, the 16-year-old declined this offer, as she didn't want to leave her aunt's pets by themselves.

Draper and Adamcik switched off the circuit breaker in the basement. They were armed with a dagger and a hunting knife.

The murder of Cassie Jo Stoddart

When Stoddart's boyfriend left the house, the two boys attempted to use the circuit breaker ploy again. However, the result was the same, as she refused to venture down into the dark basement by herself.

At that point, Draper and Adamcik lost their patience and decided to barge into the living room, where they attacked her with knives.

During the attack, the high school student received a dozen fatal stab wounds and died at the scene. Her body was found on the morning of September 24th, when the Contreras family returned home from their trip.

Five days after the murder, the two boys were arrested. During questioning, they quickly folded after the police started quizzing them about which film they had seen at the movie theater.

Realizing that their story was quickly falling apart, Draper and Adamcik attempted to pin the blame on each other.

However, the police did not fall for this. Subsequently, they were both charged with murder.

Roughly one year later, the two teenagers were found guilty of first-degree murder and sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole.

Cassie Jo Stoddart murder house address

The address and the GPS coordinates for this location are as follows:


11372 W Whispering Cliffs Drive, Pocatello, Idaho, ID 83202, USA


To view directions on how to get there, you can use the Google Maps shortcut below:

Google Maps

GPS coordinates

The latitude and longitude coordinates for the house are:

42.960045, -112.447402


The house is situated in a quiet neighborhood called Whispering Cliffs Drive, which is accessible via Flandro Drive in Tyhee. The easiest way to get there is to take New Day Parkway in Chubbuck and then head north along Flandro Drive.


Photos of the house and other related images.


Draper and Adamcik now

These are recent photographs of Adamcik and Draper, who remain in prison to this day.



The two boys had been planning the murder for quite some time. In the lead-up to the crime, they purchased knives and masks (pictured above).

While they were en route to Whispering Cliffs, Draper recorded video footage of himself saying the following:

"She is going to be alone in a big, dark house in the middle of nowhere! How perfect can you get?!"

Adamcik then responded:

"I mean, like, holy sh*t dude. I am h**ny just thinking about it."

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