Ted Bundy's uncle's house
Serial Killer House in Tacoma, Washington
This is the former home of Ted Bundy's great-uncle, John "Jack" R. Cowell.
It is located at 1514 South Alder Street in Tacoma, Washington.
When Ted and his mother, Louise, left Philadelphia in 1950, they stayed at this address in Tacoma for a short period of time.
Ted was just four years old when they moved to the west coast.
US census records from 1950 show that Jack Cowell was living at 1514 South Alder Street with his wife Eleanor and their 3-year-old son John.
Jack was a professor of music who worked at a private college. He also reportedly taught piano lessons at his home.
Growing up, Ted had a great deal of admiration for his uncle. Jack was well-educated, financially secure, and successful—things that Bundy aspired to be in life.
Shortly after moving to Tacoma, Ted's mother met a local hospital cook called Johnnie Bundy.
In May 1951, the couple were married, and Johnnie decided to adopt Ted as his own son. It was around this time that Johnny, Louise, and Ted moved into a house on South Sheridan Avenue.
Jack Cowell's house
The address and the GPS coordinates for this location are as follows:
1514 South Alder Street, Tacoma, Washington, WA 98405, USA
GPS coordinates
The latitude and longitude coordinates for the house are:
47.245987, -122.478005
Private Property Warning
This is a private property. It is not a public place. Therefore, you should be respectful and not step foot on the property without permission.
Closest Locations
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The location where Ted Bundy's graduation photo was taken
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