The apartment complex where Brooke Wilberger was abducted

Crime Scene Location in Corvallis, Oregon

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The apartment complex where Brooke Wilberger was abducted

This is the apartment complex where Brooke Wilberger was abducted.

It is located at 1219 SW 26th Street in Corvaillis, Oregon.

On May 25th, 2004, the 19-year-old student was cleaning lights in the parking lot at the Oak Park Apartments when she was abducted by a man named Joel Patrick Courtney.

Courtney drove 12 miles west before pulling into a disused logging road outside of Wren.

Although he raped the 19-year-old, he did not kill her immediately. Instead, he kept her alive for 24 hours before he finally decided to bludgeon her to death.

Courtney confessed to the crime after the police found Wilberger's DNA in his van.

His confession eventually led to the discovery of Wilberger's remains in September 2009.

Where was Brooke Wilberger abducted?

The address and the GPS coordinates for this location are as follows:


1219 SW 26th Street, Corvallis, Oregon, OR 97333, USA


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GPS coordinates

The latitude and longitude coordinates for the complex are:

44.556720, -123.276984


The apartment complex is situated north of U.S. Route 20 in the south of Corvallis. It is a short distance away from Reser Stadium and Oregon State University.

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