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Nearby Places

Other places that are relatively close to the following location:

The site where Emmett Till was found

Historic Location in Glendora, Mississippi

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Bryant's Grocery & Meat Market

Roughly 16 miles away.

Historic Location in Money, Mississippi

In August 1955, an African American boy named Emmett Till was lynched after he allegedly wolf-whistled at a white woman at Bryant's Grocery & Meat Market in Money, Mississippi.

Till's brutal murder proved to be the catalyst for the civil rights movement.

The barn where Emmett Till was murdered

Roughly 22 miles away.

Crime Location in Drew, Mississippi

Lynching victim Emmett Till was murdered at this seed barn in rural Mississippi in August 1955.

Till's death proved to be a catalyst for the civil rights movement in America.

The store where rapper Young Dolph was shot dead

Roughly 109 miles away.

Death Location in Memphis, Tennessee

In November 2021, Young Dolph was shot dead by two masked men at this bakery in Memphis, Tennessee.

The 36-year-old rap artist was pronounced dead at the scene.

The motel where Martin Luther King was assassinated

Roughly 113 miles away.

Assassination Site in Memphis, Tennessee

On April 4th, 1968, civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr. was shot dead at this location in the South Main District of Memphis.

A pro-segregationist named James Earl Ray was later convicted of the crime.

The studio where Elvis Presley recorded his first record

Roughly 114 miles away.

Place of Interest in Memphis, Tennessee

In August 1953, Elvis Presley recorded his first song at this recording studio on Union Avenue in Memphis, Tennessee.

This was also the location where he recorded his first hit song in July 1954.


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