Map: The location where Phoenix Coldon's car was abandoned

729 North 9th Street, St. Louis, IL 63101

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Main Article

The map above belongs to the following article:

The location where Phoenix Coldon's car was found abandoned

Crime Location in St. Louis, Illinois

On December 18th, 2011, Phoenix Coldon left her family home in Spanish Lake, Missouri, and was never seen again.

Her Chevy Blazer was later found abandoned on this street in St. Louis, Illinois.

Related Locations

The following locations are related to the street. Please note that the descriptions for these images may lack context if you have not read the main article.

Coldon's house

Goldia and Lawrence Coldon

The Coldons lived at 12629 Countrybrook Drive in St. Louis, Missouri.

Goldia and Lawrence Coldon reportedly lost the house in 2012 after they poured all of their life savings into hiring private detectives.

A potential lead in Texas proved to be particularly damaging, as the person who submitted the tip later admitted that he had made it all up for attention.

This hoax reportedly drained the Coldons of their remaining savings.


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