Map: The location where Dannette and Jeannette Millbrook were last seen
1713 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, Augusta, GA 30901
The map below shows the gas station (black marker) and its related locations.
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Main Article
The map above belongs to the following article:
The location where Dannette and Jeannette Millbrook were last seen
Last Seen Location in Augusta, Georgia
On March 18th, 1990, two fraternal twins called Dannette and Jeannette Millbrook disappeared after visiting this gas station in Augusta, Georgia.
They remain missing to this day.
Related Locations
The following locations are related to the gas station. Please note that the descriptions for these images may lack context if you have not read the main article.
Cooney Circle
Shortly before their disappearance, Dannette and Jeannette Millbrook had moved to the projects of Cooney Circle, which are situated on Olive Road. The general area is referred to as Jennings Homes.
The girls were supposed to return to their apartment by nightfall.