Map: The location where Stacy Moskowitz and Robert Violante were shot

Shore Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11214

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Main Article

The map above belongs to the following article:

The location where David Berkowitz shot Stacy Moskowitz and Robert Violante

Crime Location in Brooklyn, New York

In July 1977, serial killer David Berkowitz shot Stacy Moskowitz and Robert Violante while they were parked at this section of Shore Parkway in Brooklyn.

This was his eighth shooting. Fortunately, it was also his last.

Related Locations

The following locations are related to the street. Please note that the descriptions for these images may lack context if you have not read the main article.

Fire hydrant

Fire hydrant

On the night of the shooting, Berkowitz received a ticket after he parked his 1970 Ford Galaxie beside a fire hydrant outside of 290 Bay 17th Street.

This location is just around the corner from the crime scene.

The authorities honed in on this ticket after a local resident named Cacilia Davis came forward and said that she had a strange interaction with the driver of the Ford.

On the night of the shooting, Davis was walking her dog when she saw a man scrutinizing a parking ticket on the vehicle.

Davis told the police that the man seemed very annoyed by the ticket. It also appeared as though he had a "dark object" in his hand.

When the man in question noticed her, he reportedly glared at her until she walked away.

A few days after Moskowitz's murder, Davis decided to report the suspicious interaction to the police.

Not long after, investigators discovered that traffic cops had written a parking ticket for a Ford Galaxie on Bay 17th Street. After running the license plate "561 XLB", they learned that the car was registered to a man named David Berkowitz, who lived in an apartment in Yonkers.


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