Map: The location where Joseph Augustus Zarelli was found

Susquehanna Road, Philadelphia, PA 19111

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Main Article

The map above belongs to the following article:

The location where Joseph Augustus Zarelli was found

Crime Location in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

In February 1957, the body of a malnourished boy was found in a box on Susquehanna Road in Philadelphia.

65 years later, he was finally identified as four-year-old Joseph Augustus Zarelli.

Related Locations

The following locations are related to the site. Please note that the descriptions for these images may lack context if you have not read the main article.

21 South 61st Street

21 South 61st Street

Historical phone directory records indicate that Mary Elizabeth "Betsy" Abel was living at 21 South 61st Street in West Philadelphia (the building is known as the Lawson residences).

This apartment building is less than 200 feet south of the corner of 61st Street and Market Street.

It is roughly 15 miles southwest of the site where Zarelli's body was found.


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