Map: Jayne Mansfield's crash site
Chef Menteur Highway (Highway 90), New Orleans, LA 70129
The map below shows the site (black marker) and its related locations.
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Main Article
The map above belongs to the following article:
The road where Jayne Mansfield died in a car crash
Crash Site Location in New Orleans, Louisiana
In June 1967, actress Jayne Mansfield was killed in a car crash on this stretch of road in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Her lover and driver were also killed. Miraculously, her three children survived with minor injuries.
Related Locations
The following locations are related to the site. Please note that the descriptions for these images may lack context if you have not read the main article.
Original memorial site

Originally, the memorial site was situated at this location, which is five miles south.
However, it was moved in 2019 after a local historian read the police files for the accident and discovered that the site was incorrect.
Unfortunately, this means that anyone who made the pilgrimage to Mansfield's death location in the past ended up visiting the wrong place.