Map: The location where Imelda Keenan went missing
4 William Street, Waterford City, Waterford, X91 KV65
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Main Article
The map above belongs to the following article:
The street where Imelda Keenan was last seen
Last Seen Location in Waterford City, Waterford, Ireland
Imelda Keenan disappeared from this street in Waterford City at some point between late 1993 and early 1994.
To this day, the 22-year-old remains listed as a missing person.
Related Locations
The following locations are related to the street. Please note that the descriptions for these images may lack context if you have not read the main article.
Keenan's apartment

Imelda Keenan lived in an apartment at 4 William Street with her boyfriend, Mark Wall.
Her brother attempted to visit her twice over the Christmas period. Although the light was on, nobody answered the door.
Lombard Street sighting

The witness claimed that they saw the 22-year-old on the corner of Lombard Street and The Mall/Parnell Street, beside the Tower Hotel.
Post office

Wall said that Keenan left their apartment to collect a social welfare payment from this post office on Keyser Street.
However, it would have been closed that day.
Memorial plaque

In 2009, Keenan's family erected a memorial plaque for her on the bridge beside Lombard Street and George's Quay. They visit it each year on the anniversary of her disappearance.
The plaque reads:
"Always remembered. Our darling daughter and sister, Imelda Keenan. Mountmellick, County Laois. Reported as a missing person from this street. 1993-1994.
The family decided not to put a specific date on the plaque, as they believe that she was murdered at some point before January 3rd.
One of her brothers attempted to visit her over the Christmas period. Although the light in her apartment was on, he received no answer.
Keenan liked to use citizens band radio (CB radio), which is a mobile radio system that allows people to communicate within a 30 km radius. This system was relatively popular in the days before mobile phones and social media.
None of her CB radio friends recalled speaking to her during the Christmas period.