Map: Tre's house from Boyz n the Hood (1991)
5918 Cimarron Street, Los Angeles, CA 90047
The map below shows the house (black marker) and its related locations.
You can use one of the following shortcuts to open this location in Google Maps or Apple Maps:
Main Article
The map above belongs to the following article:
Tre's house from Boyz n the Hood (1991)
Filming Location in Los Angeles, California
This is the filming location of Tre and Furious' house from the hood drama film "Boyz n the Hood" (1991).
Related Locations
The following locations are related to the house. Please note that the descriptions for these images may lack context if you have not read the main article.
Doughboy's house
The filming location of Doughboy's house (Ice Cube) is just two doors down from this address. The two houses are right across the street from each other.
This is where Tre and his friends typically hang out together.