Map: The location where Michelle Le was found

Verona Road, Pleasanton, CA 94566

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Main Article

The map above belongs to the following article:

The location where Michelle Le was found

Crime Location in Pleasanton, California

In September 2011, a search volunteer discovered the remains of missing woman Michelle Le near this dirt path in Pleasanton, California.

The 26-year-old had been murdered by her former friend roughly three months prior.

Related Locations

The following locations are related to the site. Please note that the descriptions for these images may lack context if you have not read the main article.

Michelle Le was murdered in the parking lot of Kaiser Hospital

Kaiser Hospital

The police believe that Esteban attacked and killed Le in this parking lot while she was walking to her vehicle.

An instructor at Kaiser Hospital realized that something was amiss when the nursing student failed to return from her break.

When the police checked the hospital's surveillance cameras, they found footage of the victim's white SUV leaving the lot.

She parked the victim's vehicle on Ponderosa Court

Ponderosa Court

After dumping the body, she drove back to Hayward and left the SUV in Ponderosa Court.


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