Map: Matthew Hoffman's house

49 Columbus Road, Mount Vernon, OH 43050

The map below shows the house (black marker) and its related locations.

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Main Article

The map above belongs to the following article:

Matthew Hoffman's house

Crime Location in Mount Vernon, Ohio

In November 2010, a tree-obsessed burglar named Matthew Hoffman murdered three people at a rural property in Howard, Ohio.

Following the killings, he kept a 13-year-old girl captive at this house in Mount Vernon.

Related Locations

The following locations are related to the house. Please note that the descriptions for these images may lack context if you have not read the main article.

Tina Herrmann's house

Tina Herrmann's house address

Image source: Google Maps

Tina Herrmann's house was situated at 481 King Beach Drive in Howard, Ohio, which is roughly 10 miles east of Mount Vernon.

The night before the murders, Hoffman slept in a sleeping bag in the woods across from the property (yellow circle) and kept watch.

When he saw Herrmann leave the next morning, he crept across the road and gained access via the garage door at the front.

Note that the Google Street View car has yet to visit this location.


Bodies found

The three bodies were found in a hollow tree in Kokosing Lake Wildlife Area, near the intersection between Yankee Street and Waterford Road. The site in question is roughly five miles north of Fredericktown.

Note that the coordinates below are approximate.


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