Map: The location where Richard Ramirez was arrested

East Hubbard Street, Los Angeles, CA 90023

The map below shows the street (black marker) and its related locations.

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Main Article

The map above belongs to the following article:

The location where Richard Ramirez was arrested

Arrest Location in Los Angeles, California

On August 31st, 1985, serial killer Richard Ramirez was arrested at this location on Hubbard Street in East Los Angeles.

Ramirez was apprehended after a group of residents beat him and held him down.

Related Locations

The following locations are related to the street. Please note that the descriptions for these images may lack context if you have not read the main article.

Mike's Liquor Store

Liquor Store

Mike's Liquor Store was situated at 819 Towne Avenue.

This is the location where Ramirez saw his face on the front page of a newspaper.

When he ran out of the store, the owner called 911.

Euclid Avenue and Garnet Street

Euclid Avenue and Garnet Street

At one point, he was spotted at Euclid Avenue and Garnet Street. The police responded to this sighting by sending several patrol cars to the area.


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