Map: The location where Caylee Anthony was found
Suburban Drive, Orlando, FL 32829
The map below shows the site (black marker) and its related locations.
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Main Article
The map above belongs to the following article:
The location where Caylee Anthony was found
Body Site in Orlando, Florida
On December 11th, 2008, the remains of missing 2-year-old Caylee Anthony were discovered at this location on Suburban Drive in Orlando.
At the time, she had been missing for six months.
Following a highly publicized and controversial court case, her mother was found not guilty of murder.
Related Locations
The following locations are related to the site. Please note that the descriptions for these images may lack context if you have not read the main article.
Memorial site
This Google Street View image of the memorial site is from April 2022. As you can see, people are still leaving flowers at the roadside.
The photograph on the left was added to Google Maps by Vistaramic Photography, who created a 360-degree panoramic image of the site. The image can be accessed via Google Street View.
After Caylee's remains were found, many people paid their respects to the young girl by leaving flowers, balloons, signs, and teddy bears at the site.
Casey Anthony's house
Image source: Google Maps
Casey Anthony's former house is situated at 4937 Hopespring Drive.
At the time of Caylee's death, Casey was a single mother who was living here with her parents, Cindy and George (pictured top-right).
At first, Casey's parents supported her at the trial. However, that changed after the defense team claimed that the young girl drowned in the family's swimming pool and that George had covered up her death. They also alleged that Casey lied and exhibited strange behavior because George had sexually abused her in the past.